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A japanese artist Yusuke Shibata visiting HOM studio.
25 July 2019

Visit an art school, DASEIN Academy of Art.
16 July 2019

Visit artist's studio, Pati Satu owned by Umi Baizurah, Ahmad Shukri and Al Khuzairy.
3 July 2019

Visit RuPe (Ruang Pemula) a private gallery owned by the art collector, Mr. Pakharuddin.
1 July 2019

Visit Artist Studio, Mr. Juhari Said's
25 June 2019

Visit Artist Studio, Syukur Rani's, Hafiz's and Amy Nazira's
19 June 2019

Mentor Session with Bayu Utomo Radjikin
12 June 2019

Visit Artist Studio, Najib Bamadhaj.
12 June 2019

Thank you to Najib Bamadhaj for having us also for the thoughts and advices.

Visit G13 Gallery.
12 June 2019

A-RES got a chance to meet up with Mr. Kenny Teng the G13 gallery director. 

Visit Artist's Studio, Philip Wong
29 May 2019

Yesterday, we managed to visit an amazing artist that well known with his incredible installation works, Mr. Phillip Wong. We are so lucky that we have been given an opportunity to visit his studio/gallery/home. Thank you for all the sharing and opinions.

.Visit National Art Gallery and meet up with the curator Tan Hui Koon
15 May 2019

A-RES artist has been visiting the National Art Gallery to see "Bakat Muda Sezaman" exhibitions to generate ideas for the creation of their works. The artist also had the opportunity to meet with one of the curators, Tan Hui Koon to get some curators' opinions on their works.

.Second Mentor Session with Bayu Utomo Radjikin 
11 May 2019

A-RES batch 2019.
Mentor Session with Bayu Utomo Radjikin 

30 April 2019

A-Res The Graduate Exhibition 2019/18
24 April 2019

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ARES: The Graduate Exhibition 2018/19 is an exhibition to mark the graduation of 5 Malaysian artist-in-residence of 2018-2019 at of HOM’s ARES residency programme. The exhibition regroups Alvin Lau, Arikwibowo Amril, Joy Ng, Liew Sze Lin and Wong Ming Hao as a follow up showcase of their artistic progress and their developments since - it displays their unique perspectives and explorations through the format of assemblage, sculpture, painting and photography. This next chapter is means to establish the contributions towards the development of their artistic language, a preview into an ongoing journey as well as providing a yardstick to follow each development of their artistic focus since their time at HOM Residency.


A-Res Duo Exhibition "Checkpoint X" by Alvin Lau & Sze Lin
27 February 2019


This 3rd chapter of A-RES, HOM’s residency programme re-energized in 2018 introduces Checkpoint X, an exhibition that records the morphing of artistic languages found within the practices of Alvin Lau and Liew Sze Lin, two emerging Malaysian artists based in Kuala Lumpur. Also, the first of HOM’s residency programme to take on medium beyond painting, Checkpoint X’s narrative is one of expanding beyond familiar territory.


Liew Sze Lin (b.1988) displays a departure from her earthy-hued abstract paintings to embrace new dimension through texture, introducing a new language to her artistic practice. While Alvin Lau (b.1994), known primarily for his photography works, provides the audience with a new lens to his landscape & architecture photographs by manipulating surfaces and seeking new medium for a wider range of pictorial output.


This 6-month residency traces the channels and approaches undertaken by both artists to shape new languages. Checkpoint X speaks of the journey in developing new approaches while providing insight and potential of what’s to come for all on board

A-RES Art Talk and Sharing  Session with DASEIN Academy of Art students 
30 Jan 2019

A visit Dr. Simon Soon, Janet from UM and Tan Hui Koon a curator from National Art Gallery. 
14 Jan 2019

"Meet The Mentor" Art Talk and A Sharing session with UiTM Art and Design students. 
10 Dec 2018

It's such a blast to get an opportunity from UiTM to do a sharing session with Art and Design students. This program called "Meet the Mentor". All the residency artist have to make a small group with the students and talk about artworks. In the end of this program we had make a Q&A session, to give a chance to the students to ask what ever they want to the artist.

Artist's Studio Visit to Syafiq Nordin, Choo Kuan, Hisyammudin and Syed Fakharuddin. 
5 Dec 2018

Our aritst in residence got an opportunity to meet up and sharing thought with different discipline's artitsts.

Gallery visit to G13 gallery, Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) Nasional Art Gallery. 
26 November 2018

Visiting G13 Gallery and meeting with the directors, Mr. Kenny and his wife Mrs. Wendy for the sharing session about how our art scene condition and how what A-RES artist have to do to become better and survive in this industry.

Today our funder come to do meet and greet with our artist in residence. The main intention of this visit is to exchange thiughts, and showing what is HOM Resudency is all about.

Visiting PAM, to see the recent exhibition from Ajim Juxta, " TUGU UGUT".


24 Nov 2018

Attending the opening of "Chang Yoong Chia: Secong Life", along meeting with the curators and the artist, Chong Yoong Chia


24 Nov 2018

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Hukum Alam is Arikwibowo Amril’s first solo exhibition. Through his affinity for charcoal, the artist examines his relationship with his choice medium through various experiments and investigates the position it holds in the ever expanding variety of mediums of contemporary art today. The culmination of six months of investigation undertaken by the artist, this exhibition presents Arikwibowo’s portraitures of famous figures as well characters from personal acquaintance which were meticulously executed on a variety of surfaces

Studio Visit to Cheong Tuck Wai's. 
18 Nov 2018

Studio Visit to Pati Satu studio, Puncak Alam. 
16 Nov 2018

A great visit and sharing session with Pati Satu artist. A lot of mind blowing tips by their story in how they survive in this art scene and how they achieved  their succeed. Its really honored for our artist in residence to get this opportunity to seat down and talk with them, asking for advice and exchange thought in producing artworks.

Studio Visit to Amrab, Alam Budiman. 
16 Nov 2018

A wonderful visit to Amrab studio that  belong to Anisa Abdullah and Khairunizam. Both are still young yet got a lot of experience in becoming an successful artist. Out artist in Residence Alvin, Sze Zelin and Skala got an opportunity to ask for their words of advise in producing artworks and becoming an successful artist.

Attending "HALALHARAM" at Cult Gallery. 
1 Nov 2018

Our artist in Residence attending "HALALHARAM" opening, a fundraising exhibition for SISTERS IN ISLAM and organized by Cult Gallery.

Visiting Fine Art Student in ASWARA 
18 Oct 2018

Meet the mentor is the session, where the artist has a sharing in a small group. All mentor manage to complete their meeting with the Fine Art students of ASWARA in 1 hour time. The new concept of knowledge sharing instead all artist just standing in front the students. Overall by having this session all students able to voice out their individual questions. The session is in between their class with Mr. Khairudin Zainudin, artist and part time lecturer for the academy.

Visit from funder, Yayasan Hasanah and KWAP.
11 Oct 2018

Visit from MIA Institute

Sept 2018

Malaysian Institute of Art, (MIA) has come to visit A-RES studios. visits involving MIA students.

Residency Artist visit to The C'arch

10 August 2018

The HOM Artist-in-Residence (A-Res & INTERES) received the invitation by Chris Wong to have knowledge sharing between the artists and the young architects at the C'arch architecture + design. Founded in 1992, the core of the C'arch architecture + design is rooted in modern architecture and applying sustainable principles. More about the firm visit

Exhibition Opening

14th July 2018

A-RES duo exhibition by Wong Ming Hao and Joy Ng

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Distant Emotion is a two person exhibition by young figurative artists Joy Ng and Wong Ming Hao having completed their a 6-month residency programme under A-Residency. Organised by HOM Art Trans, A-Residency resumes from a 4-year hiatus with the most recent developments by Wong and Joy.

Artist Studio Visit

6th June 2018

A-RES Artists recent visit to Gan Chin Lee & Singing Liu studio. Both is practicing visual artists and actively exhibit their works locally and internationally. Congrats from us for your new edition. And baby girl happy belated birthday to you!! A-RES is program focusing on young emerging local artist with the objective of establishing them and launching their career to another level in the local art scene.

A Visit From Dasein Art Student.

25 May 2018

The Fine Art students of the Dasein Academy of Art, Kuala Lumpur pay a visit to the HOM studio. A brief information by Wong Ming Hao & Joy Ng also the alumni of the academy about the program and their direction for the program before the students get more details by visiting their individual space. The students also get to know the new artist-in-residence, Arikwibowo Amril and experienced the material used by Arik's, which is cotton paper and charcoal. The visit and sharing organize by Wong Ming Hao & Mr. Kim Ng, the head of Fine Art department.

Having a curator visit at HOM Studio with Azzad Dhiah.
23 July 2019

Open studio.
24 July 2019

Visiting art gallery, A+.
25 July 2019

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