Dear Friend of HOM,
HOM Residency present another exhibition by the A-RES artists-in-residence called HUKUM ALAM, a solo debut by Arikwibowo Amril, one of the country’s promising young talents. Arikwibowo was invited to join HOM’s residency programme A-RES in May this year and has been spending the last six months preparing for the show.
In HUKUM ALAM (literally, Law of Nature or Punishment to Nature), Arikwibowo examines his affinity for charcoal, the world’ oldest natural drawing material and his medium of choice. The artist investigates its versatility among the variety of mediums available in contemporary art today. This exhibition, the culmination of his months’ long investigation, features portraits of famous figures and characters from personal acquaintance meticulously executed on a variety of surfaces.
The artist is the 17th person to have been initiated through the A-RES residency which began a decade ago in 2008. Among the A-RES alumni are names such as Azam Aris, Ruzzeki Harris, Cheng Yen Pheng, Yeoh Choo Kuan, Anniketyni Madian and Seah Zelin, to mention a few. The residency emphasises on committed studio practice and provides guidance in art direction and encourages the development of personal artistic voice.
HUKUM ALAM will be running from 24 November to 8 December 2018. The official launching of the exhibition is on Saturday, 24th Nov, 8pm and the exhibition will be officiated by Mr. Bingley Sim. Before the launching of the exhibition, I would like to give you the honor to have the first look of all the artwork that would be exhibited both in the gallery and the studio (two huge surprises waiting during the opening).
Thank you again for your continuous support towards HOM & HOM's program, and do not hesitate to contact me at +6 012 303 4410 or HOM Manager at +6 012 373 6004 related to the artworks update.
Mimie Baharuddin
HOM Residency Co-Director